Celebrating the AAPI month in California

May is the month of Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage in the United States of America. It is widely celebrated in different places and California is not an exemption. To honor the Asian heritage, various events are celebrated with the goal of commemorating the different cultures. Here are some recommendations that you may want to include in your list of things to do before the end of the month!

Visit the Chinese American Museum
(Photo credits: Chinese American Museum Facebook)

It is the first museum in Southeast California about Chinese American History. If you are looking to know the history and experience of different artists in the global pandemic, it is a must to visit this museum. It features 7 artists, and their works show injustices, racism, and violence against Asian Americans. The museum promotes hope and optimism for the future.

The historical place will conduct a special event to wrap up this year’s AAPI month celebration on June 4, 2022, with the event Zine Fest from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The goal of the event is to bring artists together to share their work centered around AAPI culture, art, and identity. To learn more about the event, you may visit their official Facebook page at /www.facebook.com/chineseamericanmuseum

Stroll around Angkor: The Lost Empire of Cambodia in California Science Center
(Photo credits: California Science Center)

Curious about the daily life of Cambodia's Cambodia's Empire? Get to know them personally as they show you over 120 artifacts and experience decoding inscriptions, aerial surveying, and laser scanning. The first time outside Cambodia! Through an immersive 3D IMAX movie, take a tour of the ancient empire of Angkor and enrich your minds with environmental challenges throughout the years while leisurely having fun in the amazing exhibits of the California Science Center.

Eat out at Chef Chu’s
(Photo credits: The Mercury News)

What is a celebration without any food? Make sure not to end this year’s AAPI Heritage month without going to the most popular Chinese restaurant in town, Chef Chu’s. Now on its 52nd year in business, Chef Chu has been a favorite go-to place to many including famous and influential people like celebrities and politicians. It is now known as the longest-running restaurant in Silicon Valley.

Their menu can be quite overwhelming because of its long list of dishes. They offer dine-in and to-go menus. Chef Chu’s classic Beijing duck is an all-time favorite and a must-try signature dish. You can order it to-go and enjoy it with your friends and families while strolling around the busy streets of Los Altos, Los Angeles.

The celebration of AAPI heritage does not end in the month of May. It is worth celebrating every single day. The community of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have experience a lot of things throughout the years; full of stories of hopes, dreams and achievements that are worthy to share in every generation.

Written by: Yam Pernecita

Yam Pernecita is a digital marketing intern of PS Media Enterprise. She is a 4th-year Bachelor of Arts in Communication student from Far Eastern University in Manila, Philippines.


A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
based in California that advocates
social inclusion of minorities with
Asian heritage though cultural awareness.


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OBRAA.org: Celebrating the AAPI month in California
Celebrating the AAPI month in California
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